Thursday, July 23, 2009

I never use this thing...

I'm so effin' lazy about Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter (the most useless piece of blah blah blah). I think they're really negative ways to spend my free time. People will post things that annoy me for no real reason. Sometimes the last thing I want to know is how you're "Eating dinner with friends and life is all soft kittens and unicorn farts." Seriously, sometimes I'm a crotchety old man trapped in the body of a youngish woman and I don't give a hoot. And I find myself wanting to write stuff like, "My period just started, thank god I can eat like a normal person again!" But I refrain, because who wants to read that mess? Fo' reals.
I think it's time that I seriously consider shutting down all these social networking timewasters and actually try to get things accomplished. Even if I just made one pair of pasties, then I've at least spent that hour wisely and have something to show for it. I love to be lazy, but even laziness should be rewarding.
I think dumping that stuff will also make me not feel so high strung. I feel that I function better if I focus on people face-to-face, instead of in sound bytes.
Phone calls! Letters! I'm bringing the ol' skool back. Effort is so sexy!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

So sad...

I found myself online for most of today; Googling absolutely inane shit such as: and sites that show celebrities with cellulite. I could have been working on my costumes or cleaning up. But, no... I decided to eat everything in the house and sit on my fat ass all day, wasting air. Just typing about it exhausts me.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Busy busy busy

March has been ridiculously busy. I'm not complaining, but it has definitely been a trying and exhausting month. I am looking forward to April and trying a new class or two. "April April April".... my mantra.