Thursday, July 23, 2009

I never use this thing...

I'm so effin' lazy about Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter (the most useless piece of blah blah blah). I think they're really negative ways to spend my free time. People will post things that annoy me for no real reason. Sometimes the last thing I want to know is how you're "Eating dinner with friends and life is all soft kittens and unicorn farts." Seriously, sometimes I'm a crotchety old man trapped in the body of a youngish woman and I don't give a hoot. And I find myself wanting to write stuff like, "My period just started, thank god I can eat like a normal person again!" But I refrain, because who wants to read that mess? Fo' reals.
I think it's time that I seriously consider shutting down all these social networking timewasters and actually try to get things accomplished. Even if I just made one pair of pasties, then I've at least spent that hour wisely and have something to show for it. I love to be lazy, but even laziness should be rewarding.
I think dumping that stuff will also make me not feel so high strung. I feel that I function better if I focus on people face-to-face, instead of in sound bytes.
Phone calls! Letters! I'm bringing the ol' skool back. Effort is so sexy!

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